Monday, July 16, 2012

A New Beginning

Today is a new day!! After being a Creative Memories Consultant from 2007 - 2010, I took a break to get a second degree and do a little day time work out of town.

NOW, I am back! I recently became a Creative Memories Consultant and am excited to get back in the swing of things by completing my own projects and helping others complete theirs! If you want to get started on your own projects or host a party to earn free things to create your own projects check out my Creative Memories site at

I don't know about you, but in today's digital world it is easy to accumulate a lot of photos. I have just under 30,000 photos on my computer, and that is not counting the ones still in my camera.  Plus I do not even have children yet! There are photos of my childhood, our wedding, trips around the world, and even the latest haul to the local charity organization.  Some of these photos I want to share with my family and friends, others could go by the wayside, and others would make craft project backgrounds.  This blog is going to be my journey of getting my memories off of my hard drive and into my life, I'm glad you are along for the trip.